Autodesk® DWG TrueView 2020 Release Notes

This document contains the latest information for Autodesk® DWG TrueView 2020. For reference, save or print this document.

It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you install this product.


Product Help

Point Cloud

DWG Convert EXE's and ZIP's Fail

Opening Damaged Drawings

  1. Click the DWG Convert button.
  2. Select the damaged file.
  3. Click Conversion Setups.
  4. Select "Standard" and click New.
  5. Name the new setup (for example, Recover).
  6. In the Modify Conversion Setup dialog box, set the Conversion packaged type to Folder (set of files).
    Note: Do not select in-place (overwrite files), as this may cause conversion errors.
  7. In the Action area, select Check and fix errors, and click OK.

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