Product Uninstallation ReadMe

The following instructions explain how to uninstall products from a deployment. To summarize the procedure, you first convert the <deployment name>_Uninstall.txt file to a batch file with ANSI encoding. Then you open the batch file and select the products to uninstall by removing the comment markers from the applicable command lines. Finally, you run the batch file to uninstall the products.
Here are the detailed steps:

1. In the deployment folder, open the file <deployment name>_Uninstall.txt in Notepad or a similar text editor. 

2. Click Save As, in the Encoding list, select ANSI, and then change the file extension to .bat. The recommended file name is <deployment name>_Uninstall.bat. Note that ANSI encoding is required to create an executable batch file.

3. Open the created batch file, and enable the uninstallation commands by removing the "::" characters at the beginning of the "::call :funcUninstall" command line for each product that you want to uninstall.

4. Execute the batch file with Administrative privileges.